By-Laws of the Rogue Valley Model Railroad Club



Article I:  Name and Purpose


Section 1:  Name

    This club shall be known as the Rogue Valley Model Railroad Club (RVMRC), hereinafter referred to as the Club.


Section 2:  Purpose

    The purposes of the Club are:

                A:  To bring together persons interested in the hobby of model railroading.


                B:  To promote good fellowship among model railroaders by holding meetings and shows, establishing a directory of

      Club members and building and operating a model railroad layout.     


C:  To advance the hobby of model railroading wherever and whenever possible.


D:  To encourage membership in the National Model Railroad Association and the Pacific Northwest Region (PNR)

       thereof, and, insofar as capable, support and conform to the Standards thereby set forth.



Article II:  Membership


Section 1:  Eligibility

    Membership in this Club shall not be denied any person because of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin.


Section 2:  Definitions

A.      This club shall maintain the following active classifications of membership:

1.        Regular member (18 years or older)

2.        Associate member (18 years or older)

3.        Family member (spouse and/or children 10 through 17 years old)

4.        Student member (14 through 17 years old)

5.        Honorary membership (any age)


B.       Each new member except Honorary members shall pass through a trial membership period of six (6) months before

        becoming an active member in one of the preceding classifications.


Section 3:  Membership Procedure

A.  Application for membership in the Club is made by a person submitting a completed application on the form provided by 

          the Membership Chairman.  Upon acceptance of this application by a majority vote at the Board of Directors’ meeting

          and payment of any applicable dues, the applicant becomes a trial member for six (6) months.  At any time during this

          trial period, a member may be terminated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  Any dues paid in will be

          refunded on a prorated basis.  The Board is not required to explain its actions to the member terminated.  At any time

          during their trial period, the member may request termination.  Such a request shall be granted without question, and any

          dues paid will be refunded on a prorated basis.  At the end of the trial period, the Board of Directors shall determine the

          suitability of the member for active membership.  If the member is determined to be suitable by a majority vote of the

          Board of Directors, the member becomes an active member in the applicable class, with all the rights and duties, upon

          payment of the applicable dues and fees amounts.  If the member is determined to be not suitable for active membership,

          their membership is terminated immediately.  Any Club property in the possession of a terminated member must be

          returned to the Club immediately.  Any of the terminated member’s property in the possession of the Club will be

          returned immediately.  Terminated trial members may not reapply for membership at the trial classification in less than

          two (2) years after their termination.


B.       The Board of Directors may grant any person any classification of membership directly, regardless of qualifications or

           dues payment, on a case by case basis.  Majority approval is required to grant such memberships.

Section 4:  Duties and Rights

A.      Regular Members - Regular members may voice their opinion at all meetings, may hold office, and may vote on all

       things at Board meetings.  They must hold office if selected in the random drawing.


B.       Associate Members - Associate members enjoy all the rights and privileges of Regular membership, but they are excused from either duties requirements or dues requirements, or both.  If an Associate membership is excused from paying full membership dues, they forfeit the right to vote or hold office.  The intent is to accommodate people who live outside of the immediate area, or that have special needs because of work schedules, physical handicaps, etc.  A request for Associate standing must be made at a Board meeting in person or by proxy.


C.       Family Members - Family members are spouses and/or children aged 10 to 17 years of a Regular member.  They must be accompanied by the Regular member at meetings and functions if between the ages of 10 to 13.  Only the first Family member must pay dues, but each must meet all other requirements for membership separately.  Family members may not vote or hold office.


D.      Student Members - Student members are members aged 14 through 17 years. Student membership does not require Regular membership of a family member.  Student members may not vote or hold office.


E.       Honorary Members - Honorary members are given membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  They have no duties, may not vote or hold office, and are not required to pay dues.  They enjoy all privileges of the classification they are placed in by the vote giving them Honorary membership, regardless of age or other qualifications.  Honorary membership is normally for life, but may be terminated at any time by a vote of the Board of Directors.


F.       Trial Members - Trial members have all the duties and rights set forth in the classification that they would be in after their trial period, except that they may not vote or hold office.


Section 5:  Termination of Membership

A.      The Board of Directors, at a Board of Directors meeting, by majority vote may recommend the termination of any membership for just cause.  Just cause shall be any act or failure to act not in the best interests of the Club.  The member in question shall be notified of the reason or reasons for the proposed termination and shall be notified by certified mail and requested to appear at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors to explain the circumstances giving rise to the proposed termination.  Such notification shall be postmarked not less than five (5) days prior to the Board Meeting that they are requested to attend.  If the Board affirms termination by a two-thirds (2/3) majority at that meeting, the membership is terminated.


B.       Non-payment of dues is cause for termination.  The Board of Directors shall review the membership roster periodically for such delinquency.  The Treasurer shall follow for payment or commitment for payment.  If payment or commitment for payment is not received in 90 days or less from the membership expiration date, the membership is automatically terminated with no further Board action required.


C.       Any terminated member may re-apply for membership reinstatement.  Such application will be subject to Board review and approval.  Reinstatement of membership may require paying of dues in arrears and/or current initiation fees, or any penalties the Board may levy.  The Board may require the reinstated member to pass through a trial membership, at its discretion.


Section 6:  Dues

   A.   Membership dues levels, initiation fees, or other membership fees may be set or changes at any regular meeting of the 

        membership by a simple majority vote of those present and eligible to vote.  The membership must be notified in writing of any vote to change dues or fee levels.  The Board of Directors may recommend dues or fee levels, but may not set dues or fee levels.


   B.  Annual membership dues shall cover the twelve-month period from June 1 to May 31.

   C.  A person applying for new membership at or after the annual Thanksgiving Railroad Show shall pay one half of the              current year’s dues for the balance of the membership year. Provided however, any person applying for new membership      after March 31 shall pay a full year’s dues, which will cover the balance of the current membership year and twelve months of the next membership year.



Article III:  Officers


Section 1:  Elected and Appointed Board Members

A.      The elected Board Members shall consist of one Board Chair, one Secretary, and one Treasurer.


B.       Nominations for officers shall be made by a nominating committee appointed by the Chair two months before elections are to be held. A majority of members voting is required to elect.


C.       Duties of elected officers


1.        The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of this Club, and shall preside at all meetings of this club and of the Board of Directors except as otherwise provided herein, shall have all the powers, duties and responsibilities usually vested in the chief executive officer, and shall, with specific Board authorization, execute all bonds, and mortgages, and contracts of this Club and shall have general supervision of all other elected officers and be a member ex-offici of all committees except as may be directed otherwise.


2.   The Vice Chair shall attend all meetings, meetings of the Board, and be a member thereof; perform the duties of the

                 Chair during his/her absence, assist the chair as required, and be responsible for program coordination.


           3.   The Secretary shall attend all meetings, meetings of the Board, and be a member thereof, and act as clerk thereof,    

shall send out notices of meetings to all members and keep minutes thereof.


4.   The Treasurer shall attend all meetings, meetings of the Board, and be a member thereof.  Treasurer shall receive all  

       fees, dues, and other monies, shall disburse funds on properly presented bills at meetings, may delegate to any 

       member such of his secretarial duties as he may deem necessary, shall prepare a Treasurer’s report for each fiscal

       year and send it to each member and shall present a general report at each annual meeting.


D.      The two appointed board members shall be selected by random drawing of eligible members or from volunteers by the elected Board members.  They shall attend all meetings and meetings of the Board, and shall be responsible members of the Board of Directors.  Prior year officers may request an exemption from serving as appointed officers, and it shall be granted.


E.       Term of Office - The term of office shall run from June 1 to May 31 of the following year, or until succeeded by newly elected or appointed officers.


F.       Vacancies - In the event of death, resignation, lapse of membership, failure to perform duties, or unexcused absences from three (3) consecutive Board meetings, the Board may, by a simple majority vote, declare an office or position vacant, and shall appoint a successor at the earliest possible date for the unexpired portion of the term of that office or position.


G.       All officers and appointees shall turn over to their successors, at or before installation, all Club property and records in

           their possession.


Section 2:  Appointments and Committees

A.      An Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Chair each year not later then two (2) months prior to elections and shall consist of not less than two (2) members in good standing.  An audit shall be conducted prior to turning over the records to the new Treasurer with a report being made to the Board.


B.       A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Chair three (3) months before elections are to be held.  The committee shall make a report to the board with at least one (1) nominee for each position available.


C.       An Executive Staff of seven members shall be appointed by the Chair no later than the June regular meeting. The Executive Staff shall consist of the Newsletter Editor, Membership Committee Chairman, Librarian, Electrical Committee Chairman, Superintendent of Operations, Building & Park Maintenance Chairman, and Rolling Stock Standards Chairman.


D.      The Chair may as necessary appoint additional staff to other positions with the approval of the Board.







Article IV:  Meetings


Section 1:  Meeting Schedules

A.      The General meetings of the Rogue Valley Model Railroad Club shall be on the fourth Wednesday of each month or as scheduled.


B.       The Board of Directors shall meet on the second Wednesday of each month or as scheduled.


C.       The January general meeting shall be the annual meeting.


D.      The Board of Directors may meet in emergency session at any time if conditions warrant.  Telephone conference meetings are allowed for emergency sessions.  Full minutes must be kept and presented in writing to the membership.


Section 2:  Meeting Requirements

A.      The quorum for a general meeting shall be seven members eligible to vote, of which three will be Board members.


B.       A quorum for a Board of Directors meeting shall be 3 Board members.


Section 3:  Written notice of any special meetings shall be sent to each member at least one week in advance and shall include

    the agenda thereof.  Notice is not required for emergency Board of Directors meetings.


Section 4:  All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised), except where Robert’s

    Rules conflict with these by-laws.



Article V:  Financial


Section 1:  The fiscal year shall be January 1 to December 31.


Section 2:  No part of the Club’s net earnings may accumulate to the direct or indirect benefit of any member.


Section 3:  In the event the Club shall dissolve, any monies in the treasury shall be given to Division One of the Pacific

    Northwest Region of the National Model Railroad Association, a 501(c)(3) corporation, except any funds dedicated for the

    City of Medford, Oregon Railroad Park shall go to the City of Medford, Oregon to be used exclusively for the Railroad Park.



Article VI:  Corporate Seal


Section 1:  This Club may, if it deems necessary, have a seal upon which shall be inscribed its name and year of incorporation.



Article VII:  Amendments


Section 1:  These articles or any part of them may be altered, amended, or repealed by a majority vote of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.  The Board of Directors shall have no authority to amend, adopt, or repeal by-laws of this Club.  The membership shall be notified in writing prior to any change in these by-laws.





Unofficial Notes to By-Laws:


Note 1:  The by-laws were changed to this form by a vote of the membership at a regular membership meeting on March 27th,

              1991, at the Bureau of Land Management Building, Medford, Oregon.


Note 2:  The Regular membership dues level was changed from $24 to $40 at a regular membership meeting by a vote of the



Note 3:  The regular membership dues were changed to $60 per year and the Special membership dues were changed to $15

               per year at the 06/23/93 meeting.


Note 4:  The by-laws were changed on 10/27/93 by a vote of the general membership to restructure the membership categories

               to Regular, Associate (old Special), Family, and Student.  At this time, Article II, Section 1 was changed to delete



Note 5:  The by-laws were changed by a vote of the membership on June 6, 1994 to clarify termination of membership due to

              non-payment of dues.  Paragraph C was added to formalize reinstatement policy.


Note 6:  The fiscal year was changed to the calendar year by a vote of the membership at the regular meeting on June 28, 1995.


Note 7:  The by-laws were changed to remove the dues amount from the by-laws and to add a Trial membership period for new

              members at the general membership meeting of Feb. 28, 1996.


Note 8:  April 1999 – Article II, Section 2: first sentence of Part A wording revised

       Article III, Section 1: Part F revised to clarify procedure for filling vacancies, and Part G added.

       Article III, Section 2: Entire section added.


Note 9:  Jan. 24, 2001 – Article IV, Section 1.E amended to change the date of the annual meeting from December to January

in order to match current practices.


Note 10:  Mar. 28, 2001 - Article III, Section 1.C.1, the word “superintendence” changed to “supervision”.

                  Article III, Section 1.C.2 added creating the position of Vice Chair.

Article III, Section 2.C amended to remove position of Program Coordinator, which is now the duty of the Vice         Chair.

                  Article IV, Section 2.A amended to change the quorum for a general membership meeting from eight to seven.


Note 11: October 25, 2006 – Article II, Section 6, Dues, added paragraphs B and C to include the membership due’s year

and time line for members joining during the membership year, dues allocation. For example, a person joining: June thru mid November – full payment; join at RR Show and December thru March 31 – ½ fare for 6 months; join after April 1 – full payment for 14 months, April thru May of next year.